Stackdb is a stackable, multi-target and -level source debugger and memory forensics library.
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1 /* Unaligned memory access functionality.
2  Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
3  This file is part of Red Hat elfutils.
4  Written by Ulrich Drepper <>, 2001.
6  Red Hat elfutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8  Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
10  Red Hat elfutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16  with Red Hat elfutils; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301 USA.
19  In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the
20  additional right to link the code of Red Hat elfutils with code licensed
21  under any Open Source Initiative certified open source license
22  ( which requires the
23  distribution of source code with any binary distribution and to
24  distribute linked combinations of the two. Non-GPL Code permitted under
25  this exception must only link to the code of Red Hat elfutils through
26  those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
27  found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files
28  of Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline
29  functions from the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting
30  work to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat,
31  Inc. may make changes or additions to the list of Approved Interfaces.
32  Red Hat's grant of this exception is conditioned upon your not adding
33  any new exceptions. If you wish to add a new Approved Interface or
34  exception, please contact Red Hat. You must obey the GNU General Public
35  License in all respects for all of the Red Hat elfutils code and other
36  code used in conjunction with Red Hat elfutils except the Non-GPL Code
37  covered by this exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this
38  exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do
39  so. If you do not wish to provide this exception without modification,
40  you must delete this exception statement from your version and license
41  this file solely under the GPL without exception.
43  Red Hat elfutils is an included package of the Open Invention Network.
44  An included package of the Open Invention Network is a package for which
45  Open Invention Network licensees cross-license their patents. No patent
46  license is granted, either expressly or impliedly, by designation as an
47  included package. Should you wish to participate in the Open Invention
48  Network licensing program, please visit
49  <>. */
51 #ifndef _MEMORY_ACCESS_H
52 #define _MEMORY_ACCESS_H 1
54 #include <byteswap.h>
55 #include <limits.h>
56 #include <stdint.h>
59 /* Number decoding macros. See 7.6 Variable Length Data. */
61 #define get_uleb128_step(var, addr, nth, break) \
62  __b = *(addr)++; \
63  var |= (uintmax_t) (__b & 0x7f) << (nth * 7); \
64  if (likely ((__b & 0x80) == 0)) \
65  break
67 #define get_uleb128(var, addr) \
68  do { \
69  unsigned char __b; \
70  var = 0; \
71  get_uleb128_step (var, addr, 0, break); \
72  var = __libdw_get_uleb128 (var, 1, &(addr)); \
73  } while (0)
75 #define get_uleb128_rest_return(var, i, addrp) \
76  do { \
77  for (; i < 10; ++i) \
78  { \
79  get_uleb128_step (var, *addrp, i, return var); \
80  } \
81  /* Other implementations set VALUE to UINT_MAX in this \
82  case. So we better do this as well. */ \
83  return UINT64_MAX; \
84  } while (0)
86 /* The signed case is similar, but we sign-extend the result. */
88 #define get_sleb128_step(var, addr, nth, break) \
89  __b = *(addr)++; \
90  _v |= (uint64_t) (__b & 0x7f) << (nth * 7); \
91  if (likely ((__b & 0x80) == 0)) \
92  { \
93  var = (_v << (64 - (nth * 7) - 7)) >> (64 - (nth * 7) - 7); \
94  break; \
95  } \
96  else do {} while (0)
98 #define get_sleb128(var, addr) \
99  do { \
100  unsigned char __b; \
101  int64_t _v = 0; \
102  get_sleb128_step (var, addr, 0, break); \
103  var = __libdw_get_sleb128 (_v, 1, &(addr)); \
104  } while (0)
106 #define get_sleb128_rest_return(var, i, addrp) \
107  do { \
108  for (; i < 9; ++i) \
109  { \
110  get_sleb128_step (var, *addrp, i, return var); \
111  } \
112  __b = *(*addrp)++; \
113  if (likely ((__b & 0x80) == 0)) \
114  return var | ((uint64_t) __b << 63); \
115  else \
116  /* Other implementations set VALUE to INT_MAX in this \
117  case. So we better do this as well. */ \
118  return INT64_MAX; \
119  } while (0)
121 #ifdef IS_LIBDW
122 extern uint64_t __libdw_get_uleb128 (uint64_t acc, unsigned int i,
123  const unsigned char **addrp)
124  internal_function attribute_hidden;
125 extern int64_t __libdw_get_sleb128 (int64_t acc, unsigned int i,
126  const unsigned char **addrp)
127  internal_function attribute_hidden;
128 #else
129 static inline uint64_t
130 __attribute__ ((unused))
131 __libdw_get_uleb128 (uint64_t acc, unsigned int i, const unsigned char **addrp)
132 {
133  unsigned char __b;
134  get_uleb128_rest_return (acc, i, addrp);
135 }
136 static inline int64_t
137 __attribute__ ((unused))
138 __libdw_get_sleb128 (int64_t acc, unsigned int i, const unsigned char **addrp)
139 {
140  unsigned char __b;
141  int64_t _v = acc;
142  get_sleb128_rest_return (acc, i, addrp);
143 }
144 #endif
147 /* We use simple memory access functions in case the hardware allows it.
148  The caller has to make sure we don't have alias problems. */
151 # define read_2ubyte_unaligned(Dbg, Addr) \
152  (unlikely ((Dbg)->other_byte_order) \
153  ? bswap_16 (*((const uint16_t *) (Addr))) \
154  : *((const uint16_t *) (Addr)))
155 # define read_2sbyte_unaligned(Dbg, Addr) \
156  (unlikely ((Dbg)->other_byte_order) \
157  ? (int16_t) bswap_16 (*((const int16_t *) (Addr))) \
158  : *((const int16_t *) (Addr)))
160 # define read_4ubyte_unaligned_noncvt(Addr) \
161  *((const uint32_t *) (Addr))
162 # define read_4ubyte_unaligned(Dbg, Addr) \
163  (unlikely ((Dbg)->other_byte_order) \
164  ? bswap_32 (*((const uint32_t *) (Addr))) \
165  : *((const uint32_t *) (Addr)))
166 # define read_4sbyte_unaligned(Dbg, Addr) \
167  (unlikely ((Dbg)->other_byte_order) \
168  ? (int32_t) bswap_32 (*((const int32_t *) (Addr))) \
169  : *((const int32_t *) (Addr)))
171 # define read_8ubyte_unaligned(Dbg, Addr) \
172  (unlikely ((Dbg)->other_byte_order) \
173  ? bswap_64 (*((const uint64_t *) (Addr))) \
174  : *((const uint64_t *) (Addr)))
175 # define read_8sbyte_unaligned(Dbg, Addr) \
176  (unlikely ((Dbg)->other_byte_order) \
177  ? (int64_t) bswap_64 (*((const int64_t *) (Addr))) \
178  : *((const int64_t *) (Addr)))
180 #else
183  {
184  void *p;
185  uint16_t u2;
186  uint32_t u4;
187  uint64_t u8;
188  int16_t s2;
189  int32_t s4;
190  int64_t s8;
191  } __attribute__ ((packed));
193 # define read_2ubyte_unaligned(obo, Addr) \
194  read_2ubyte_unaligned_1 ((obo), (Addr))
195 # define read_2sbyte_unaligned(obo, Addr) \
196  read_2sbyte_unaligned_1 ((obo), (Addr))
197 # define read_4ubyte_unaligned(obo, Addr) \
198  read_4ubyte_unaligned_1 ((obo), (Addr))
199 # define read_4sbyte_unaligned(obo, Addr) \
200  read_4sbyte_unaligned_1 ((obo), (Addr))
201 # define read_8ubyte_unaligned(obo, Addr) \
202  read_8ubyte_unaligned_1 ((obo), (Addr))
203 # define read_8sbyte_unaligned(obo, Addr) \
204  read_8sbyte_unaligned_1 ((obo), (Addr))
206 static inline uint16_t
207 read_2ubyte_unaligned_1 (bool other_byte_order, const void *p)
208 {
209  const union unaligned *up = p;
210  if (unlikely (other_byte_order))
211  return bswap_16 (up->u2);
212  return up->u2;
213 }
214 static inline int16_t
215 read_2sbyte_unaligned_1 (bool other_byte_order, const void *p)
216 {
217  const union unaligned *up = p;
218  if (unlikely (other_byte_order))
219  return (int16_t) bswap_16 (up->u2);
220  return up->s2;
221 }
223 static inline uint32_t
224 read_4ubyte_unaligned_noncvt (const void *p)
225 {
226  const union unaligned *up = p;
227  return up->u4;
228 }
229 static inline uint32_t
230 read_4ubyte_unaligned_1 (bool other_byte_order, const void *p)
231 {
232  const union unaligned *up = p;
233  if (unlikely (other_byte_order))
234  return bswap_32 (up->u4);
235  return up->u4;
236 }
237 static inline int32_t
238 read_4sbyte_unaligned_1 (bool other_byte_order, const void *p)
239 {
240  const union unaligned *up = p;
241  if (unlikely (other_byte_order))
242  return (int32_t) bswap_32 (up->u4);
243  return up->s4;
244 }
246 static inline uint64_t
247 read_8ubyte_unaligned_1 (bool other_byte_order, const void *p)
248 {
249  const union unaligned *up = p;
250  if (unlikely (other_byte_order))
251  return bswap_64 (up->u8);
252  return up->u8;
253 }
254 static inline int64_t
255 read_8sbyte_unaligned_1 (bool other_byte_order, const void *p)
256 {
257  const union unaligned *up = p;
258  if (unlikely (other_byte_order))
259  return (int64_t) bswap_64 (up->u8);
260  return up->s8;
261 }
263 #endif /* allow unaligned */
266 #define read_ubyte_unaligned(Nbytes, obo, Addr) \
267  ((Nbytes) == 2 ? read_2ubyte_unaligned (obo, Addr) \
268  : (Nbytes) == 4 ? read_4ubyte_unaligned (obo, Addr) \
269  : read_8ubyte_unaligned (obo, Addr))
271 #define read_sbyte_unaligned(Nbytes, obo, Addr) \
272  ((Nbytes) == 2 ? read_2sbyte_unaligned (obo, Addr) \
273  : (Nbytes) == 4 ? read_4sbyte_unaligned (obo, Addr) \
274  : read_8sbyte_unaligned (obo, Addr))
277 #define read_2ubyte_unaligned_inc(obo, Addr) \
278  ({ uint16_t t_ = read_2ubyte_unaligned (obo, Addr); \
279  Addr = (__typeof (Addr)) (((uintptr_t) (Addr)) + 2); \
280  t_; })
281 #define read_2sbyte_unaligned_inc(obo, Addr) \
282  ({ int16_t t_ = read_2sbyte_unaligned (obo, Addr); \
283  Addr = (__typeof (Addr)) (((uintptr_t) (Addr)) + 2); \
284  t_; })
286 #define read_4ubyte_unaligned_inc(obo, Addr) \
287  ({ uint32_t t_ = read_4ubyte_unaligned (obo, Addr); \
288  Addr = (__typeof (Addr)) (((uintptr_t) (Addr)) + 4); \
289  t_; })
290 #define read_4sbyte_unaligned_inc(obo, Addr) \
291  ({ int32_t t_ = read_4sbyte_unaligned (obo, Addr); \
292  Addr = (__typeof (Addr)) (((uintptr_t) (Addr)) + 4); \
293  t_; })
295 #define read_8ubyte_unaligned_inc(obo, Addr) \
296  ({ uint64_t t_ = read_8ubyte_unaligned (obo, Addr); \
297  Addr = (__typeof (Addr)) (((uintptr_t) (Addr)) + 8); \
298  t_; })
299 #define read_8sbyte_unaligned_inc(obo, Addr) \
300  ({ int64_t t_ = read_8sbyte_unaligned (obo, Addr); \
301  Addr = (__typeof (Addr)) (((uintptr_t) (Addr)) + 8); \
302  t_; })
305 #define read_ubyte_unaligned_inc(Nbytes, obo, Addr) \
306  ((Nbytes) == 2 ? read_2ubyte_unaligned_inc (obo, Addr) \
307  : (Nbytes) == 4 ? read_4ubyte_unaligned_inc (obo, Addr) \
308  : read_8ubyte_unaligned_inc (obo, Addr))
310 #define read_sbyte_unaligned_inc(Nbytes, obo, Addr) \
311  ((Nbytes) == 2 ? read_2sbyte_unaligned_inc (obo, Addr) \
312  : (Nbytes) == 4 ? read_4sbyte_unaligned_inc (obo, Addr) \
313  : read_8sbyte_unaligned_inc (obo, Addr))
315 #endif /* memory-access.h */
uint32_t u4
#define unlikely(expr)
Definition: debugpred.h:101
static uint64_t unsigned int const unsigned char ** addrp
void * p
static uint64_t unsigned int i
union unaligned __attribute__((packed))
uint64_t u8
int16_t s2
int64_t _v
#define get_sleb128_rest_return(var, i, addrp)
int32_t s4
uint16_t u2
#define get_uleb128_rest_return(var, i, addrp)
Definition: memory-access.h:75
int64_t s8